This and That

Evening folks, Just tackled a few little things today. I took the heater bonnet duct off to paint it the correct color, a wrinkle black. Then I re-did the data plate and got it correct this time around, then on to trying to fix the seats. The seat were FROZEN in place and it took a long lever and my lovely wife to get them to move far enough that I could get to the fasteners. I had tried penetrating oil to no avail! The heater duct in it's gaudy red. Changed to wrinkle black The new Data plate properly riveted in place. This doesn't look like much but I was ready to give up on getting these seats to move forward enough that I could remove them. The previous installer reversed the seat back hinges so that the lever for tilting them was on the inside where they bind on the cubby /center console. The other thing that should be addressed is the cubby lid, I suspect that they used incorrect fasteners and it's loose. W...